How can we help you?

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Quality Dental Care


Our clinics are Medisave accredited by the Ministry of Health (MOH). For certain dental surgical procedures, Singapore Citizens and Permanent Residents may be able to use funds from their Central Provident Fund (CPF) Medisave account to pay for the procedure in whole or in part.


Every Singapore citizens are available for CHAS. At Glee Dental Clinic Singapore, you can claim dental treatment through CHAS scheme, Merdeka Generation, and Pioneer Generation packages

Insurance Partners

Glee! Dental Surgery is a healthcare partner to a variety of Insurance groups. Here are some partnerships that we have:


It's recommended to visit the dentist for a checkup and cleaning every six months.

If you have a toothache, schedule an appointment with your dentist as soon as possible to determine the cause and receive appropriate treatment.

To prevent cavities, brush your teeth twice a day with fluoride toothpaste, floss daily, limit sugary foods and drinks, and visit your dentist regularly for checkups.

Dental X-rays are used to detect dental problems that may not be visible from an intraoral examination. This includes tooth decay and pathology of the surrounding bone structures. Dental X-rays are also used for the diagnosis of periodontal (gum) disease.

Regular X-rays are recommended for preventive dental care at six months to one year intervals depending on individual’s needs.

Fluoride is a mineral that offers effective prevention against tooth decay caused by bacteria, and it is also helpful for reducing tooth sensitivity. It achieves this via these mechanisms: 1) Reduce demineralization of enamel 2) Increase remineralization of enamel 3) Inhibits bacterial metabolism 4) Occluding dentinal tubules (need to fact check haha) Fluoride can be delivered via a variety of methods, and in Singapore, it is found in our tap water, toothpastes and mouth rinses at safe concentrations. Fluoride gel and varnishes are also available to be applied professionally by dentists to aid in prevention of tooth decay and as a treatment for tooth sensitivity. This is recommended especially for patients with high risk of dental decay, or patients with sensitive teeth.

Regular X-rays are recommended for preventive dental care at six months to one year intervals depending on individual’s needs.

Having any teething issues?

Schedule a consultation with our friendly dentists to allow us to understand your dental needs.

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